So I had a look at Ebay to see if I could find another Grey Knight of this vintage for a not-too-unreasonable price and, not only did I find a metal Grey Knight, I found a metal Grey Knight Justicar! So now I have a leader on the way from The Troll Trader and once he's done I'll have a complete Great Knight Kill Team at 99 points. But, with two of those and the two other regular guys (if anything about Grey Knights can be described as "regular") I had 80 points! If I could find one more regular dude I'd have a five-man kill team at 98-99 points. Upon reading up on them, I realized I could only use two of the Incinerators. When I got home and had a better look at things, it turned out it was a whole bag of Grey Knights!? Nine of them! Two had the arm bolters and power halberd-thingies and the rest had flamer-like-things! Boom! Instant Kill Team. Well I wasn't going to pass up a bag o' ten metal marines - whatever they were - could have been chaos, for all I knew (which actually would have been really cool too). He said for the whole bag - no one wants that metal 'junk' anymore. I asked the fellow if it was $5 each of for the whole bag. There was eight or ten of them in there and the price on the bag was $5. and then I found this bag full of what looked like older metal marines. I did have a look at a few things and bought a couple bags of random imperial bitz, a huge bag full of Orky bitz (mostly arms, heads and shootas), a Marine with a heavy bolter. Others had stuff organized into baggies with prices on them, but there was just too much to look through. One dude had a 50L tub of random bitz people were sorting through. "WTF, Tim!? ANOTHER Kill Team!? GREY KNIGHTS!? Where did these even come from!?"Ī couple weekends ago there was a Bitz Swap organized by the local league at our FLGS and I went out to it.