Badass Biker: The Rivals in Shopping Mall use motorcycles as means of transportation. that crane thing up there that's what it's called I think a crane. Bad "Bad Acting": This series is built off shoddy acting. Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: A very common theme amongst the monsters featured in the series, with the use of the inflator tool. Forces is the only title to completely lack any zombies, and even it is more of an extra. This was inverted in Doom Ship, which starts out having nothing to do with zombies, but then they get on the ship. While all of them actually do include zombies, in many cases the zombies take a back-seat to the Monster of the Week. Artifact Title: By the individual video.
Steve normally uses SFM for his other fan videos such as "Scared Stupid."
Art Shift: The very last scene of Finale is done in Source Filmmaker, featuring much higher quality animation and the regular Sonic we (and Steven of course) know and love. And Then John Was a Zombie: Cream, Knuckles, and Bowser, seconds before they transform. An Ass-Kicking Christmas: Origins takes place on Christmas. Forces ends with regular Sonic waking up, but then encountering Balena's past Parody Sues, waking up from that, and eventually finding Zombie-Sonic floating over his bed.
The very end of the series reveals that it was actually all a bad dream had by regular old Sonic, animated in Source Filmmaker. Oh well, hope you enjoy the map even if there isn't a whole lot going on, I had some fun for some couple of rounds. Makes me wonder what this map could have been if it were finished, but guess that's wishful thinking. Can't go upstairs, downstairs, not to any of the rooms, not even going to say the Bowser boss battle or anything. The map itself is unfinished, so you won't explore much outside of what is shown on the preview screenshot. You got the ZCT weapon line up and powers, the perks, tougher zombies, and death at around ever corner.
Now a lot of maps before the UGX mod used the ZCT mod (primarily ZCT 2.0), and nazi_zombie_Mario_64 is one of them. That is not to say that the ZCT mod still isn't fun, it sure has a nostalgia charm to it, it just served its days and is now outclassed by future maps and mods. The name of the map is simply nazi_zombie_Mario_64, which uses the ZCT mod which was pretty popular before the UGX mod came in and pretty much every map maker switched to that if they want modern guns. I remember browsing years ago finding a map called nazi_zombie_Mario_64, which was a Super Mario 64 map way before the popular Super Mario 64 map by vinnyz500.