Skyrim Special Edition can handle hundreds of mods at once, but you'd still want a decent rig to get it looking like this. It was achieved with the FNENB graphical enhancement, Digital Dreams' own ray tracing reshade, and a Wabbajack modlist called Total Visual Overhaul that packages together things like High Poly NPC Overhaul, JK's Skyrim, the various Cities of the North mods, Ethereal Elven Overhaul, and quite a lot more. Welcome to a new monthly series showcasing the best The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Editionmods. The video is careful to stay in third-person, avoid combat beyond a goofy-looking fight with a wolf, and stay clear of interacting with the china doll NPCs modders love to make-there's an eerie dead lady propped up against a fallen tree two-and-a-half minutes in-but it's still fun to see what Skyrim looks like pushed to its limits a decade after the original's release. Sometimes something that looks stupidly simple to do is insanely difficult to actually do in reality.The foliage looks colorful, the enhanced sounds of wind and insects make those natural environments seem a little more alive, and weather effects like rain and lightning are impressive (courtesy of Obsidian Weathers and Seasons, a mod I use myself). Setting prices.Īnd finally the really hard stuff - there is no weapon category for thrown weapons! So the modder would have to create and figure out how to add something entirely new that there is no place for in the game engine - so a new set of features MUST be incorporated into SKSE FIRST before it can possibly work in game. Now, the easy stuff, adding them to leveled lists, mesh and texture, adding to merchants inventory, adding to PC & NPC inventory.

Now throw in a miss, where did it go? More animations for sticking into tree, box, wood post, bounce off of a rock and anything else in game it could hit. Items (also uploaded by powerofthree) for even more use. This seems like a small change, but the mod can also be paired with others such as Favorite Misc. Now, how is it carried, how does the PC pull it out to use it? Skyrim SE MOD (SkyrimSEMOD) DecemRELATED: EA Games Are Heading Back To Steam In November, Starting With Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. Shuriken, side arm throw overarm throw, cross body throw, then left and right hand That's 6 separate animations just to throw it, Then showing the star in flight, showing a hit in various parts of the body. Lots and lots of work - and animations are the most difficult kind of modding. Then the target will need it's own animations for being hit in various ways. A shuriken for example will require an entirely new set of animations for everything - carrying, drawing, ready pose (probably several) as well as several action moves.

There is a lot more to having a useable weapon than just making the weapon.